The objective of ​LIAISE (Linking Incubation Actors for Inclusive and Social Entrepreneurship) is to provoke a paradigm shift in the European incubation ecosystem towards a more inclusive and impact driven approach to innovative entrepreneurship. The final goal is to kickstart an ecosystemic change aimed at providing social and under-represented entrepreneurs with dedicated business support services.          

Powered by the leading business innovation incubation network in Europe (EBN), the main global network of centres for social innovation and entrepreneurship (IHUB) and the principal European network of venture philanthropy organisations (EVPA), LIAISE involves key European organizations specialised in supporting underrepresented and vulnerable groups as well as international, national, regional and local policy-makers to work together for a “better social and inclusive entrepreneurship” support system.

In LIAISE, the incubator accent is active as an input provider within the community of practice (CoP) for female entrepreneurship and benefits from know how transfer in the field of social entrepreneurship to enhance the incubator’s services for an inclusive approach and implementation.

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