Cyan Cycle

Cyan Cycle

Cyan Cycle is developing a technology that uses specially selected microalgae, so-called cyanobacteria, to bind CO2 and convert it into biomass.

We are Cyan Cycle and we recycle CO2.

The problem is clear: industrial dependence on fossil fuels poses significant environmental, economic, and social challenges. CO2 emissions are a major contributor to climate change, while non-renewable resources undermine energy security and lead to geopolitical tensions.

This is where Cyan Cycle comes in: our start-up is developing a technology that uses specially selected microalgae, so-called cyanobacteria, to bind CO2 and convert it into biomass. This biomass can be used as a raw material for numerous products, including biofertilizers. In this way, we want to recycle the captured CO2 into a renewable raw material and integrate it into a material cycle - the Cyan Cycle.

Our vision is to use our Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technology on production sites to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce sustainable biofertilizer at the same time. In this way, we want to transform CO2 from a waste product into a valuable raw material for a sustainable bioeconomy.